A Warm Color Palette For Interior Design

One of the most important aspects of creating a good design to use in home interiors is your choice of colors. Sure, creating useful drawings for a pattern is super important but if you create a great pattern design with colors that don’t work together, you aren’t going to sell your product. I’m going to show you an easy way to make sure that the colors you choose will pair well and keep up with design trends.

The first thing that you will want to do is consider what room you are designing your product for specifically. Whether it is wallpaper or fabric, different rooms will have different moods. I like to either take a photo of a room or space that appeals to me or browse through home interior images online for inspiration. To stay with popular trends, I like to use fairly current images of decorated spaces from interior designers. The images are then used as inspiration to create my mood board and ultimately a color palette for a design.

Today, I am going to give an example of creating a warm color palette specifically for a kitchen. First, I found an image of a designer kitchen that created a feel that I was going for. Then, I created this palette using Photoshop. For instructions, see my color palette tutorial.

Using the colors from this warm color palette, I incorporated them into my new wallpaper design for kitchens.

blueberry wallpaper roll

I picked a couple of prominent colors from the warm color palette but included all of them in small details.

blueberry wallpaper stripe

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